速報APP / 地圖與導航 / GPS Route Address Finder

GPS Route Address Finder





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



GPS Route Address Finder(圖1)-速報App

GPS Route address finder works as guide and lets you find route between from start and end location in any countries of any States at any situations.

It is one of the easiest gps route finder app. you have to search and touch at destination location and the route

between those two locations or places will appear on the map. By default, app will find out current location of yours. Route information is available via text format also.

Features of GPS route finder:

► Accurate location Path. It is design very beautifully. Just touch on map to find the route.

► Route feature: once the target location set by you app will display accurate path and this will helps you reach the destination hassle free.

► Route via Search box: Enter city name of where you want to go then “add location” popup will appear now press “activate now” button to get route navigation path.

GPS Route Address Finder(圖2)-速報App

Supports different maps types: Day, Night, Outdoor maps view.

Quickly identify the address of any area in map.

Very helpful in Driving Navigation.

Location Services: Make sure you have Proper GPS signal Enable on the device with uninterrupted Internet Signal to fetch accurate location on MAP.

Recommendation: For Accurate location Mobile phone should be in clear sky view.

Permissions for App:

Location Services: For fetching and displaying current location.

GPS Route Address Finder(圖3)-速報App

Read SD card : For Viewing Map

Privacy Policy: location is being saved in users mobile database for the purpose of calculating destination route. This app will not store any user’s data.

GPS Route Address Finder(圖4)-速報App